Background Image Alternative Text: computer rendering of a church
Background Image Alternative Text: computer rendering of a church

Mount Olive, MS

The STC worked alongside Pastor Tony Duckworth to bring to life his vision of a new campus for Grace Christian School and Mount Olive Ministries.

Grace Christian School Campus

The STC worked alongside Pastor Tony Duckworth to bring to life his vision of a new campus for Grace Christian School and Mount Olive Ministries. This campus will not only serve the students of the school and encourage their growth both academically and personally, but it will also serve as a community hub and feature several public spaces with venues for community gathering and events. The design for the campus took into account this mix of private and public uses and strove to work with the site's existing features, such as a small creek, an existing barn structure and an adjacent residence. The campus master plan is a culmination of these considerations, and the resulting design will serve as a valuable community asset in Mount Olive.